
Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Doorway Pull Up Bar Portable Gym System

Are you skipping the gym and building a home gym routine? If so, then pull-ups are probably on your list of things to do. If you don’t have a power rack – check out the Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Doorway Pull Up Bar Portable Gym System. It’s an inexpensive way to get your back, arms, chest, and core burning! We’re here to see if it’s worth the money.

There are a lot of options out there, and if you’re looking for alternatives, then check out another model we like from Iron Gym. They are similarly priced with a few different design options. If you are currently unable to do a pull-up, then it’s probably a good idea to wait and get stronger before buying this product. But, if you think you’re ready to add pull-ups to your routine, strengthen your back, and build your arm size – the Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Doorway Pull Up Bar Portable Gym System might be right for you!

Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Doorway Pull Up Bar Portable Gym System Review

Is the Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Doorway Pull Up Bar worth your hard-earned money? If you’re setting up a home gym, skipping the fitness membership fees, and able to do a pull-up – then it’s a good idea to add some sort of pull-up bar. This model will certainly do the trick and help you reach your goals. Here are some of the features we like:

  • Easy to Assemble
  • Various Grips
  • Versatile Use
  • Fits Most Doorways (Make sure you measure before buying)
  • Portability

These features are what we look for in a pull-up bar. Personally, we prefer those that do not have to mount to your doorway permanently. The Perfect Fitness pull-up bar can be easily moved, taken down, and put back up whenever you’re ready for a workout. You don’t have to have some ugly bar hanging somewhere in your house forever!

We all know it’s hard to stay motivated to work out, so anything that makes it easier is a big help. With the Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Doorway Pull Up – you’ll find it very easy to hang up and get moving. Here are some other features we like:

  • Multiple Options: Depending on your preferences and necessities, Perfect Fitness currently offers three options for this pull-up bar – the Elite Ergonomic Wide Grip, Pro Wide Grip, and Sport – Compact. You have some choices.
  • Quick Set-Up: You’ll have this equipment put together in no time. It took us about 5-10 minutes to have it completely put together and hanging from the door. It’s fast and easy to get started.
  • Sturdy: This model has a 300-pound weight capacity and is built to take a beating.

What Needs Improved?

As we typically state with our reviews, we are about honesty. What would a review be without mentioning the factors we think could be improved to make this product better!

  • Might Slip: As I was working out one morning, I decided to switch to chin-ups. While pulling up (apparently too quickly) – the bar slipped off my trim and I fell on my ass haha. It was probably my fault but it would be nice to have some sort of safety feature to prevent this.
  • Some Claim Poor Manufacturing: We saw some customer complaints about bolts breaking or the bar itself being poorly constructed. We didn’t run into these issues, but make sure you put the bar together properly. Otherwise, you may run into similar problems.

Final Thoughts

If you’re ready to add/continue a pull-up routine, then the Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Doorway Pull Up Bar Portable Gym System is definitely something to consider. You will build strength and get in shape extremely quickly with pull-ups.

Good Luck!