
How to Start Bodybuilding – Do These 7 Things to Begin

You are not alone if you’re wondering how to start bodybuilding. There are millions of workouts and pieces of information out there. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and frustrated. When I was in high school, I was lucky enough to have a teacher that showed me some of the ropes. Being skinny (about 145 pounds) and somewhat weak was something I wanted to overcome. My goals were simply to put on some weight and get stronger. But it’s not as easy as it sounds. If you don’t know where to start, you’ll end up doing random exercises without big results. This is a recipe for losing motivation fast.

Anyone can start bodybuilding. It just takes a desire to better yourself, and a little bit of information to get you going. Once you’re focused on your goals, you will see major changes fast. When I started, the results were visible after 2-4 weeks. My muscles were getting toned, and I was definitely getting stronger. With the right program, any person can attain the results they want. Follow these 7 steps to begin your bodybuilding journey.

1) Focus on a Goal

This is one of the most important steps in starting a bodybuilding routine. Wandering aimlessly in the gym won’t get you very far. Pick what you want to work on. It can be losing some weight, putting on mass, getting stronger, or anything that you want really. This will have you focused on a goal that will drive your routine. For example, if your goal is to put on 10 pounds of muscle mass, you probably don’t want to do hours of cardio every day. Your program will be more focused on throwing some iron around and lifting heavy. Make sure you pick a goal, and your routine will follow. Stick to the plan.

2) How to Start Bodybuilding – Calculate Caloric Intake

Whether you want to lose weight or put on mass, you need to figure out how many calories you should be taking in daily. Here is a great calculator to get you started.

When I was younger, I could put on a little bit of mass and get a lot stronger. But I wasn’t seeing the gains that I wanted. This is because I had no idea how much I should be eating, and I wasn’t even close to eating enough.

It takes a lot of eating to put on mass. More than you might be used to, so be prepared to eat A LOT.

This goes for losing fat as well. The calculator above helps with that too. Essentially you want to be eating less than you’re burning if your goal is to lose weight.

3) Calculate Protein Intake

Everyone knows that eating more protein is essential for muscle gain and fat loss. No matter what your goal is, you should figure out how much protein you need daily. Here’s another calculator to get you started.

Most people don’t even come close to eating the correct amount. It’s tough because you have to find ways to build it into your daily diet – and not just drink protein shakes. When you know how much you need, you can start planning meals such as chicken, steak, lean beef, fish, and other great sources of protein.  

4) How to Start Bodybuilding -Keep a Food List/Diary/App


This is one of those tedious things that so many people skip, but it’s important to keep track of what you’re eating daily. There are a lot of apps out there that make this step a bit easier, but if you’re old school, you can just keep a notebook. Not keeping track of what you’re eating will definitely hurt you in the long run.

Keeping track is about knowledge and understanding your diet. If your goal is to lose 10 pounds, and you have no idea what you ate today, it’s hard to make necessary changes. Also, if you want to lose weight and you simply quit eating, this is not at all good either – it will lead to binge eating on all those foods that you miss (and probably aren’t healthy). Keep a list – and you will get results much faster.

5) Find the Right Routine

Now it’s time to use the information from steps 1 – 4 to pick the right routine for you. This will vary depending on what goals you came up with. Here are a couple of articles that will help:

A simple start will be to focus on your major muscle groups: Chest, Back, Legs, Arms, Shoulders. No matter what your ultimate goals – you will have these in your routine. The variations will come in how heavy you lift, how many reps you do, and how much cardio you’re doing. I recommend trying a few different workouts and picking the one you like best – that also aligns with your goals.

It’s important to do exercises that you actually like. No one likes to dread a workout, go to the gym, and not have any fun at all. This is a sure-fire way to lose motivation fast. If you start getting bored, switch it up a little bit. The important thing is to stay on track with your goals.

6) How to Start Bodybuilding -Decide if Supplements are Needed

The most important things are your diet and exercise routine. But some people desire an extra boost with supplements. For example, I use this protein powder after workouts to get what I need. This is an easy way to supplement your diet with supplements! Many people feel that their diet isn’t supplying enough essential vitamins and minerals, so they will take Vitamin D or other supplements. Here is an article that will help you decide if they’re right for you.

No matter what your decision, don’t lose focus on the most important – diet and exercise. If you are solely relying on supplements, you will hurt your progress.

7) Track Your Progress


It’s easy to focus on your goals or even the first 6 steps of this article, then lose sight of your progress. Make it a point to weigh yourself, measure yourself, or even just look in the mirror to see how successful you are. This will keep you going and keep your motivation levels high! If you wait a few months to see how you’re doing, you may not even know just how well and great your level of progress is.

I like to weigh myself every week as well as track my muscle mass and body fat content. Do what’s right for you. Pick a measurement that’s important and a timeline that works for you. Try to avoid tracking progress daily, as you most likely won’t see any major changes on a day to day basis. It will take a little bit more time, so start with every week or two. But definitely make sure you are patting yourself on the back for doing something awesome.

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